Department of
Computer Science and Engineering
A Thesis paper on
Prepared by
Rokibul Hasan
Reg No. 101-131-001
M. Sc. in MIS
Supervised by
Ahsan Habib
Assitant Professor &
Head in Charge
Dept. Of Computer Science
and Engineering (CSE)
Metropolitan University,
Trends in Online
Marketing in Bangladesh

A thesis submitted by
Rokibul Hasan
The undersigned here by
certify that they have read and recommend to the controller of Examination for
acceptance of the thesis entitled- Trends in online marketing in
Bangladesh by Rokibul Hasan, ID:
101-131-001. I t has been defended in front of the following members of the
thesis committe on 7th July 2012. The members have accepted this thesis as the
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Masters of Science in
Management Information Systems.
Ahsan Habib Chairman
Assitant Professor & Head in
Dept. Of Computer Science and
Engineering (CSE)
Metropolitan University, Bangladesh
Fuad Ahmed
Assitant Professor
Dept. Of Computer Science and
Engineering (CSE)
Metropolitan University, Bangladesh
Mohammed Jahirul Islam External
Associate Professor
Dept. Of Computer Science and
Engineering (CSE)
External Member
Shahjala University of Science and
Technology, Bangladesh
At the beginning I would like
to state our heartiest appreciation to the almighty Allah for giving us an
opportunity to work in a thesis paper like this.
As a student of M.Sc. in
Masters in Management Information Systems(MIS) which is conducted by
Metropolitan University, Sylhet. I have developed a thesis work, which was a
mandatory job for the course. Doing the thesis I had to get various help from
my supervisor Mr. Ahsan Habib, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE. I am
extremely grateful to him for his liberality, collaboration and reliance;
Without his support it might be not carry out his explore with such autonomy
I like to thank to all of our
teachers and Manor-IT people which helped to complete the thesis. Specially
thanks to Mr. C. M, Mukammel Wahid who is motivated me to complete the degree.
At last, my thanks to go
to my colleague Mr. Adnan Hamid for
giving me his valueable time.
Rokibul Hasan
M. Sc. in MIS- 5th
Reg. No. 101-131-001
Dept. of CSE
Metropolitan University
Sylhet, Bangladesh
Internet marketing has been
discovered couple of years ago with huge things and it was running successfully
as well as right now. In Bangladesh, government has an aim is to improve the
daily sales management level and operational level of the current status of our
economical business. This project is a special and innovative made to order
customer service. After long days effort, I have developed a report for all big
companies who are willingly want to advertise their Business and for getting
some mutual benefits.
The report will be able to
provide all opportunities required by the customer, owner and different level
of management as a result they can improve their daily performance. Specially I
would like to say that it would be more cost effective and resolve time. From
this system (Internet marketing) company could keep a stable situation or can
be able to make the accurate lacking their marketing department. As it is now
automated system so that it provides atomically saving performance,
automatically counting customer/users record and so on. This system provides to
store new visitor information. Every day this system deals with a variety of
users and it performs the tasks such as including event entry into database,
purchasing product from suppliers, entering sell price into each product. If
the authorities want to see every report from this internet marketing site they
can get it with print out copy.
The internet marketing will
make the customer attraction, check the update product information for every
company, adding product information for sales company, produce sales invoice
and finally record the history of the website’s information. From this system
the customer will be satisfied for providing better service and help sale staff
to close deals faster.
Chapter 1
1.1. Introduction
1.2 Motivation for this thesis
1.3 Objective
1.4 Methodology
1.5 Overview of my plan:
1.5.1 Analysis the E-Business in Bangladesh
1.5.2 Future of E-Business
1.5.3 Present situation in Bangladesh
1.6 Constraints
1.6.1 e-commerce
1.6.2 Ensuring bright future needs right efforts
1.6.3 Choice the customers
1.6.4 Customer analysis
1.6.5 Functions of IM SEO (Search Engine Optimizatio) Branding Internet Marketing Strategy Social Media Marketing-Mind our Manners Online Video and the Impact It Can Have on our Marketing Marketing Online - Men and Women Use the Internet Differently............................. 11 Explore the Benefits of Marketing Online Social Media Marketing B2B Marketing Reasons to Adopt Social Media Marketing ...................................... 12 Segmentation
1.6.6 Analysis
1.6.6 .1Sales Marketing Call-Center Web Development Search engine optimization
1.6.7 AdWords offers four different keyword match types Broad Match Phrase Match Exact Match Negative Match
Chapter 2
Current Situation of Internet Marketing ................................................................................... 14
2.1 Current status of Internet marketing in Bangladesh
2.1.1 Outcomes of the analysis:
Chapter 3
Different Approaches of Internet Marketing
3.1 Mass marketing to relationship marketing
3.2 Unifying customers’ databases
3.3 The one- to- one relationship with the customer
3.4 A pioneer of online marketing
3.5 Why do we need a newsletter?
3.6 Which is the tip for a successful newsletter?
3.7 The site – an aid for the company’s trustworthy
Chapter 4 .................................................................................................................................. 31
Growth Rate of Internet Marketing from Bangladesh Perspective.. ......................................31
4.1 Growth Rate of Internet Marketing
Chapter 5 ................................................................................................................................... 34
Findings (Lackings) and Overcome these Findings................................................................... 34
5.1Findings of Internet Marketing
5.2Security Concerns of Internet Marketing
5.3 Security Constraint of Internet Marketing
Chapter 6
Assumption Future Work and Conclusion
6.1 Assumption/weakness
6.2Future Work & Conclusion
6.2.1 Based On Company and Customer
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Scope and Technical Challenges
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Terms of reference
Appendix 5
survey form for companies ...........................................................................................................54
Appendix 6......................................................................................................................................67
survey form for consumers ...........................................................................................................67
Appendix 7......................................................................................................................................80
survey form for 3rd party im agencies...........................................................................................80
Appendix 8......................................................................................................................................92
category a.......................................................................................................................................92
Figure1: Boundary of Internet marketing.............................................................................................. 9
Figure 2: status of Clickbd Online Market ( 18
Figure 3: Status cellbazar ( )...................................................................... 19
Figure 4: status of Deshigreetings( 20
Figure 5: status of dhakasharee ( 21
Figure 6: status of bdbazar ( 22
Figure 7: status of sonarmarketplace( 23
Figure 8: status of begalcommerce ( 24
Figure 9: status of dinrat ( 25
Figure 10 Online advertisements in 34
Table 1- Growth rate of internet marketin............................................................................................ 32
Chapter 1.
1 Introduction
Internet Marketing is an all-inclusive term for marketing products and/or services online – and like many all-inclusive terms, Internet marketing means different things to different people.
Essentially, though, Internet marketing refers to the strategies that are used to market a product or service online, marketing strategies that include search engine optimization and search engine submission, copywriting that encourages site visitors to take action, web site design strategies, online promotions, reciprocal linking, and email marketing – and that’s just hitting the highlights (Aldridge Alicia et al 1997).
Online marketers are constantly devising new Internet marketing strategies in the hopes of driving more traffic to their Web sites and making more sales; witness the increasing use of blogs as marketing tools for business, for instance.
Internet marketing is focusing on web design and search engine optimization as a starting point; for most sites, the most traffic still comes from search engines and directories.
Internet marketing utilizes the power of electronic commerce to sell and market products. Electronic commerce refers to any market on the internet. Electronic commerce supports to selling, buying, and trading of products or services over the internet. Internet marketing forms a subset of electronic commerce. With the outburst of internet growth, internet marketing has started becoming very popular. It is said that Internet marketing first began in the beginning of 1990 with just text-based websites, which offered product information. With growth in internet, it is not just selling products alone, but in addition to this, information about products, advertising space, software programs, auctions, stock trading and matchmaking. A few companies have revolutionized the way, internet can be used for marketing, such as,,, and Internet marketing has brought forth so many strategies such as affiliate marketing which consists of pay per click, pay per view, pay per call, pay per click advertising. Affiliate marketing also includes banner advertisements. In addition to this e-mail marketing, viral marketing, interactive advertising, blog or article-based marketing are also popular. There are newer marketing techniques being invented all the time. It is important to know how the trend would be. Companies are inventing new techniques to find better ways to make revenue and establish their brand on the internet. Consumers are becoming more and smarter. They do not want to be a party to the internet advertising campaigns made by companies unless they get some incentive in doing so. They would be quite keen in participating in campaigns provided the companies compensate them in some way. There are usually 2 or 3 parties involved in internet marketing. It is companies and end users or companies, internet marketing companies and end users. If it is a two party model then companies themselves directly gets revenue from the end users. If it is a three party model then internet marketing service providers acts as intermediate revenue providers for companies. In order to attract end users they can share a part of their revenue, which they receive from the companies with them. Internet marketing serves three business models. They are the B2B model, B2C model and P2P model. The B2B model deals with complex business-to-business transactions and internet advertising helps bring revenue to both. B2C model involves direct interaction between the business and customer. P2P model involves distributed computing which exploits individual exchange of goods and services. P2P model was mostly useful for distribution of video and data. But due to copyright problems P2P models have had troubles (Davidson Alistair et al 2006).
1.2 Motivation for this thesis
Most of the literature, which we have come across in the area of trends in Internet marketing, focuses on company perspective, consumer perspective and 3rd party perspective individually. It is felt that there was a gap in these approaches. Consumers or 3rd party agencies need not feel what companies feel about Internet marketing trends. Consumer awareness could play an important role in their interests to pursue Internet marketing. It would be useful for companies and 3rd party agencies to understand the minds of the consumers, as consumers would be the ones who would eventually drive Internet marketing in a big way. More buyers mean more products to sell and more products to sell means more marketing to be done by 3rd party marketing agencies. This will help us to understand whether all the 3rd entities understand trends in Internet marketing in the same way or there are differences in their understanding. Instead of studying these entities in isolation I decided to pose the same set of questions to companies, consumers and 3rd party agencies. This will help us understand whether there are differences at all in their thinking and if there is, I can make suggestions to these entities to positively influence the internet marketing trend.
1.3 Objective
We want to know how companies, 3rd party agencies and consumers would perceive the trend of internet marketing to be for which we have designed the following questions. The objectives of the research are to:
1. To analyse current status of Internet Marketing in Bangladesh,
2. To analyse different approach of Internet Marketing in Bangladesh,
3. To observe the growth rate of Internet Marketing in Bangladesh, and
4. To find out different findings of Internet Marketing in Bangladesh and proposed specific suggestions to overcome those findings.
1.4 Methodology
Step 1: Status of Internet Marketing in Bangladesh
Step 2: Different Approach of Internet Marketing in Bangladesh
Step 3: Growth Rate Internet Marketing in Bangladesh
Step 4: Findings and solutions of Internet Marketing in Bangladesh
1.5 Overview of my plan:
1.5.1 Analysis the E-Business in Bangladesh
Before going through for Internet marketing I need to analyse the E-Business as it is interconnected with Internet marketing. In Bangladesh, E-Business tradition is poor due to lack of information and implementation. People do not get the proper data and information from government. Here are some important issues from bank perspective I have described:
E-business has created tremendous opportunity all over the globe. Online banking can act as a complementary factor of e-business. Bangladesh Bank has recently argued to introduce automated clearing house system. This pushed upward transition from the manual banking system to the online banking system. The study has been undertaken to observe present status of the e-business and as its complementary factor online banking system in Bangladesh. The article analyzes the data that were collected from Bangladeshi’s banks up to February 2010 and also used snowball sampling techniques to gather answer from the five hundred respondents’ who have already been using on line banking system on the basis of a questionnaire which was prepared for this study purpose. The study found that dealing officials of the banks are not well conversant about their desk work. Authors’ observed that the country can be benefited through successful utilization of e-business as this will help to enhance productivity, monetary gain of both producer and customer may be feasible and positive impact on raising gross domestic product. E -business especially with the help of online banking can manage economy of Bangladesh in a better way as customer will be satisfied (Kim D.J et al 2007).
1.5.2 Future of E-Business
Competitive advantages determine whether a company can move forward. E-commerce is the right tool for gaining competitive advantage nowadays. Business now goes online. Some restrict the definition of e-commerce only to internet enabled transactions while some others defined broadly saying not only internet rather telecommunication and telecommunication based tools are also involved in ecommerce activities. In Bangladesh perspective, the broader definition is accepted to all.
Like traditional commerce, e-commerce does not involved only in buying and selling of goods and services rather includes inter-company and intra-company functions like negotiations and transactions, manufacturing and marketing etc. using email, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), fax, file transfer, video conferencing etc. Depending on the involvement with electronic means, a company can be either a complete or partial e-commerce user. Usually e-commerce is done in four forms: Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C), Consumer to Business (C2B) and Consumer to consumer (C2C). However, Business to Government (B2G) transaction may also exist.
1.5.3 Present situation in Bangladesh
In the year 1997, private Internet Service Providers (ISP) launched Internet in Bangladesh. Since then, the infrastructural development in the sector of telecommunication has helped spread the Internet network around the country. Right now more than 6.5 million people are using Internet in the country with the help of around 200 registered ISPs and dial-up services and the cost of using Internet is low. The increasing number of user of Internet creates more opportunity of e-commerce in the recent years.
In order to cope with the present world, almost all of the financial organisations and international businesses in Bangladesh enter in the information highway through hosting website. Banks and other financial organizations have started online transactions like fund transfer, payment etc. However, almost 82 percent usage of Internet accounts for only to send e-mail while in developed countries like USA, it is only 5 percent or less. This indicates that ecommerce in Bangladesh lags far behind.
Human resource is must for the development of e-commerce and in Bangladesh, around 10000 people are being produced by the educational institutions and training centres around the country, which is not adequate for a country.
Since Bangladesh is a developing nation, the opportunity for the development of local and international trade and business, like all other LDCs, is increasing. Although it faces some barriers like infrastructural, cultural and outlook problem, recent steps taken by the government may change the situation. The government has taken some steps to build ICT capable society recently to materialize its dream of a 'digital Bangladesh'.
1.6 Constraints
1.6.1 e-commerce
The number of Internet users is not adequate to create potential profit earning e-business; there is lack of infrastructural facilities including electricity and transportation system; high and unstable prices of computer and hardware is discouraging, there is lack of skilled manpower and personnel required for effective e-business; there is absence of cyber law and lack of governmental legislation and awareness.
1.6.2 Ensuring bright future needs right efforts
In the first week of November 2009, Bangladesh Bank asked all the commercial banks through a circular to use online payments system. The intention is good to facilitate fund transfer, utility bill payments and credit card usage in local currency. But the local IT giants and banking counterparts think that the step is taken much earlier because at least two thirds of the bank branches around the country are not ready to comply with the instructions. This indicates that Bangladesh is yet to get ready for full utilization of its high potential.
If Bangladesh wants to do e-commerce competing with the developed world, it should ensure some vital supports. Using all the features of e-commerce will create huge traffic on the Internet that would require high technical support. Huge investment is necessary in the ICT sectors to spread the facility around the country on an equity basis. Along with the infrastructural development, human resource development is a must. All these should be controlled through ensuring a legal and regulating environment. All the efforts should be taken at a time as they all are dependent on each other.
Telecommunication- It's the integral part of e-commerce. Although mobile phones are very common here, the percentage is still very low, only 0.83 out of 100 has got a phone. This indicates poor level of penetration. Reducing the cost of using phones and developing the infrastructural support is necessary to fulfill the future demand.
Although all commercial banks have started following automation system, online banking system through ATM, local credit cards and EFT is available in the selected area only.
Internationally accepted credit cards are not available due to the lack of facilities. It creates inability to do business with the foreign businesses easily. Along with this exists illegal mode of payments called Hundi based on basic transfer system. So, banks and financial organizations are facing barrier at the same time.
Skilled human resource: Skilled manpower is needed to utilize the available technology and infrastructures. Bangladesh lacks manpower and it is affecting the potentials because the public officials are not aware of the use and high potential of e-commerce. Technical education should be included at all levels while English efficiency, both verbal and written, should be increased. Skilled resource should be involved in developing user friendly international standard software.
Internet is mainly used for gathering and sharing information. A good segment of the users uses Internet for entertainment. However, entertainment business based on Internet is not available in Bangladesh till now. Web radio and TV may offer a new way for delivering services to the customers. Recently, Internet radio is available but they are not familiar to the masses and thus lose the opportunity to do business.
Online education and healthcare service is yet to start. Very few sites on personal initiative on health and medical services are available but they are not up to the mark. Online education can do well using electronic means but lack of necessary infrastructures is hindering the process.
It should be understood that only Internet connection is not adequate for the development of e-commerce. Internet is nothing but a component of the environment. The environment should be developed wholly. Various researches find out that people in Bangladesh are friendly to technical innovation. In order to improve the standard of life the people here can adopt the e-commerce system easily.
1.6.3 Choice the customers
We have to think about the customers and it can be devided the customer into some categories like:
1. Regular customer or users
2. Possible customers
3. Qurious customers
1.6.4 Customer analysis
The Customer Analysis section of the business plan assesses the customer segments that the company serves. In it, the company must
1. Identify its target customers
2. Convey the needs of these customers
3. Show how its products and services satisfy these needs
The first step of the Customer Analysis is to define exactly which customers the company is serving. This requires specificity. It is not adequate to say the company is targeting small businesses, for example, because there are several million of these types of customers. Rather, an expert business plan writer must identify precisely the customers it is serving, such as small businesses with 10 to 50 employees based in large metropolitan cities on the West Coast.
Once the plan has clearly identified and defined the company's target customers, it is necessary to explain the demographics of these customers. Questions to be answered include:
1. How many potential customers fit the given definition and is this customer base growing or decreasing?
2. What is the average revenues/income of these customers?
2. What is the average revenues/income of these customers?
3. Where are these customers geographically based?
After explaining customer demographics, the business plan must detail the needs of these customers. Conveying customer needs could take the form of past actions (X% have purchased a similar product in the past), future projections (when interviewed, X% said that they would purchase product/service Y) and/or implications (because X% use a product/service which our product/service enhances/replaces, then X% need our product/service).
The business plan must also detail the drivers of customer decision-making. Sample questions to answer include:
1. Do customers find price to be more important than the quality of the product or service?
2. Are customers looking for the highest level of reliability, or will they have their own support and just seek a basic level of service?
2. Are customers looking for the highest level of reliability, or will they have their own support and just seek a basic level of service?
There is one last critical step in the Customer Analysis -- showing an understanding of the actual decision-making process. Examples of questions to be answered here include:
1. Will the customer consult others in their organization/family before making a decision?
2. Will the customer seek multiple bids?
2. Will the customer seek multiple bids?
3. Will the product/service require significant operational changes (e.g., will the customer have to invest time to learn new technologies and will the product/service cause other members within the organization to lose their jobs etc.)
It is essential to truly understand customers to develop a successful business and marketing strategy. As such, sophisticated investors require comprehensive profiles of a company's target customers. By spending the time to research and analyze my target customers, you will develop both enhance my business strategy and funding success.
The report is made
besed on the diagram in below:
Boundary of Internet marketing
Figure 1 show involvement of IM of
different authorities or activities which are described in below:1.6.5
(Search Engine Optimization)
Search engine marketing firm announces soon that they will open an
internet marketing agency in around the world. Internet Marketing
Company currently works with companies to provide them with marketing online,
link building services, reputation management and other services.
The company
provides a free online quote for interested parties, as well as a list of all
the services and prices they offer. They work with clients in world, to help
them drive traffic to their site. With decades of experience in the search
engine marketing industry, our Bangladeshi companies are able to provide the
highest quality of expertise and knowledge. (Z.Gyongyi
et al 2005)
The specialists at
Internet Marketing Company can help us
to research and decide on the best suitable keywords for our business
with a potential plan on achieving top ranking results.
Internet Marketing
Company delivers effective and cost-effective SEO services that help companies
compete and attract new customers driven by listings among the top search
engine results. Professionals at the Internet Marketing Company have the
expertise and experience to enhance exposure of a business on major search
engines. And the better a brand’s exposure, the better a company can reach the
customers and prospects who rely on search engines every day to research, find,
and buy new products and services. With SEO from Internet Marketing Company,
everyone can see results—fast, easy, and guaranteed.
technology has advanced over recent years, it is absolutely necessary to
consider brand
development as a major part of any interactive marketing
effort. Being consistent across business cards, pamphlets, newspaper and radio
isn't easy. And, maintaining that same type of effort online can be a lot more
order to successfully manage brand development and strategy, we
need a strategic plan that protects the integrity of our brand and our message
while embracing all the advantages that the interactive spectrum can offer.
Clay Interactive specializes in helping our clients move brands online while
providing the flexibility for them to truly expand into their new interactive
space. In this new space, all brand development
efforts must consider not only a consistent website presence, but all
interactive channels from social media to media buying.
Our team will take the time to understand the business, industry and competitors in order to provide a set of solutions that work for customer. It's not just about developing a nice website, but about developing overall brand so users can experience who and what we stand for through every interaction they have with organization.
In the end, company's brand presentation across channels is just as important as the appearance of physical location. They all portray an impression that can invite new customers, extend existing relationships or turn them all away. Partnering with Red Clay Interactive results in a truly strategic brand development plan and a brand presence that can be second to none. Internet Marketing Strategy
strategies and techniques that we can use on the Internet that will enhance and
support our business's overall marketing objectives. Learn how to conduct
banner promotions, generate targeted online traffic, positioning our content,
and over all brand awareness.
Small Business Guide to Creating an Effective Online
Presence -Having a
website that is an effective marketing tool and takes work. Learn the four
components of an effective website for small businesses. Social
Media Marketing-Mind our Manners
must mind our manners in order for our efforts in social marketing to be
successful. Social media marketing is about interaction, interaction creates
relationships and those relationships open up the opportunity for us to share
information about our products and services. Good manners is essential when it
comes to interacting with others using social media networks as a marketing
tool. (Fernando Angelo, 2007) Online
Video and the Impact It Can Have on our Marketing
is making an impact when it comes to our marketing. If we haven't already, it’s
time to consider using video to market our business. It doesn’t matter what size
business we have, video is an affordable and effective tool that can help us
connect with customers and prospects. Marketing Online - Men and Women Use the Internet
know that when it comes to the way men and women shop; it's different. Men
waltz into a store to gather what they came for while women will take the time
to browse and explore the new products that have been introduced in the isles.
The same is true when it comes to the online behavior of men and women; gender
stereotypes apply. Take a few moments to learn how both men and women use the
internet and how that information can help you in positioning your product or
service. Explore the Benefits of Marketing Online
online offers many benefits that we dont find in traditional marketing and many
companies are embracing those benefits during these tough economic times. Social Media Marketing
the knowledge we need to begin putting it to work for us and our business. B2B Marketing Reasons to Adopt Social Media
social media marketing has been difficult for the B2B business. A recent study
has revealed that 69% of B2B buyers use social media to assist them in business
development and decision making. Can B2B companies really afford to continue to
dismiss social media marketing techniques as an effective way to get the word
out about their products and services. Segmentation
1.6.6 Analysis
Analysis includes the
following areas:
1.6.6 .1Sales
- purchases percentage increasing
- increasing of products amount in one order
- increasing of an average bill of one purchase Marketing
- decreasing of marketing expenses for each purchase
- brand awareness increasing
- growth of conversion rate – turning visitors into buyers
- increasing of repeated purchases amount
- increasing of registrations amount
- increasing of references amount in the network Call-Center
- increasing of handled calls amount
- growth of conversion rate – turning calls into sales
- consultancy time reduction
- reduction of calls not related to order placing (guarantee, uptime, etc.) Web Development
- higher pages download speed
- reduction of downtime of a site
- reduction of unavailable pages amount(the 404-th and other) Search engine
- increasing of visits from organic search
- increasing of revenue from visitors who come from search engines etc.
1.6.7 AdWords offers four different keyword match
types Broad
This is AdWords default option. Broad match shows ad when any
combination of the searcher’s term is entered. For example, if I searched on
“Internet Marketing” our ad could potentially be served for queries containing
a combination of words including “internet”, “marketing” and possibly along
with other terms or synonyms. Phrase
Entering keyword in quotation marks, such as
“Internet Marketing” enables phrase match. In this case, AdWords will only
serve our ad if the search query contains your keyword or keyword phrase in the
exact order you specified. For example, a search for “best internet marketing”,
“internet marketing” and “internet marketing for small business” would meet the
criteria to serve ad. But a search for
“marketing on the internet” will not. Exact Match
Placing your keyword in brackets
[Internet Marketing] designates Exact Match. With this option, your ad will
only qualify for search terms that use the exact phrase within the brackets. Negative Match
Last but not least is AdWords negative match. This is done by adding a minus sign before keyword such as -Internet Marketing, or selecting negative match within AdWords account. This applies a keyword filter in AdWords account where ad will not be served if the search term contains the negative match keyword.
Chapter 2
Situation of Internet Marketing
2.1 Current
status of Internet marketing in Bangladesh
Internet marketing in Bangladesh has
been started few years ago and it was not popular at all but now it is
persuading people to get the Internet marketing. I have attached some graphs on
running companies statistics while they are marketing and they have been
benefited day by day
The Customer
Analysis section of the business plan assesses the customer segments that the
company serves. In it, the company must
1. Identify
its target customers
2. Convey the
needs of these customers
3. Show how
its products and services satisfy these needs
The first step of
the Customer Analysis is to define exactly which customers the company is
serving. This requires specificity. It is not adequate to say the company is
targeting small businesses, for example, because there are several million of
these types of customers. Rather, an expert business plan writer must
identify precisely the customers it is serving, such as small businesses with
10 to 50 employees based in large metropolitan cities on the West Coast.
Once the plan has
clearly identified and defined the company's target customers, it is necessary
to explain the demographics of these customers. Questions to be answered
1. How many
potential customers fit the given definition and is this customer base growing
or decreasing?
2. What is the average revenues/income of these customers?
2. What is the average revenues/income of these customers?
3. Where are
these customers geographically based?
After explaining customer demographics, the business plan must detail the needs of these customers. Conveying customer needs could take the form of past actions (X% have purchased a similar product in the past), future projections (when interviewed, X% said that they would purchase product/service Y) and/or implications (because X% use a product/service which our product/service enhances/replaces, then X% need our product/service).
The business plan must also detail the drivers of customer decision-making. Sample questions to answer include:
1. Do
customers find price to be more important than the quality of the product or
2. Are customers looking for the highest level of reliability, or will they have their own support and just seek a basic level of service?
2. Are customers looking for the highest level of reliability, or will they have their own support and just seek a basic level of service?
There is one last
critical step in the Customer Analysis -- showing an understanding of the
actual decision-making process. Examples of questions to be answered here
1. Will the
customer consult others in their organization/family before making a decision?
2. Will the customer seek multiple bids?
2. Will the customer seek multiple bids?
3. Will the
product/service require significant operational changes (e.g., will the
customer have to invest time to learn new technologies and will the
product/service cause other members within the organization to lose their jobs?
It is essential to truly understand customers to develop a successful business and marketing strategy. As such, sophisticated investors require comprehensive profiles of a company's target customers. By spending the time to research and analyze your target customers, you will develop both enhance your business strategy and funding success.
More and more people around the world are standing
in line to do marketing online. Why so? Because it’s easy, well at least it
sounds easy and looks easy from the outside. Also, the investment in Internet
Marketing is very minimal so it’s easy for you, me,
and some others. But what we all don’t realize is this: while it’s really easy
to start, it’s mighty easy to give up and fail as well.
Now why would I say that? The main reason is
because it costs very little to begin there is really nothing much to lose when
you compare your investments in Internet Marketing to a brick and mortar
When I start an online business, armed with the
right method, I can actually start from as low as taka 0 if I know how. This
can range up to say maybe one lac taka in startup capital.
Sounds like a lot? Well no… if I compare it to
opening a restaurant or a grocery store… which could mean that I’ll need a
capital investment of over 10,00,000 taka to start.
What difference does this make? Here’s the thing…
If I have invested taka 10, 00,000 in a business, I’ll not sit by to watch it
die, would I? The pressure won’t let me to go.
I’ll have nightmare every night thinking of ways to
save my business or just to keep it afloat. It’s a gun-to-the-head situation.
So being able to start an online business at a very low price opens up a whole
new type of crowd. This new crowd of people may not cut it as entrepreneurs at
all. They are likely to be people dying to escape the 9-5 ‘prison’ but never
had an opportunity so available to them before.
Hence, enter the Online Business models to feed
this hungry crowd. And worse, we are led to believe that IM is easier than it
looks. They tell you that you need only 2 hours a day. They tell you the money
comes in automatically.
They tell us that you can do it alone. They tell us
that if we don’t know anything about making a website, just hire someone. They
tell you that it’s so easy that their grandma can do it.
And the next thing you know… you took the bait and
jumped right in. Just when you jump into a pool thinking it’s going to be fine
and you’ll learn how to swim naturally, you find yourself drowning… FAST. I
know for a fact that a lot of people will buy a few books today, and after a
few weeks of not finding the results they want, will start to think that it’s
time to give up IM thinking it’s all been a big scam.
These people are what we call opportunity seekers,
not entrepreneurs. Real entrepreneurs find ways to succeed… they don’t give
themselves excuses. They recognize their weaknesses and will keep trying until
they get solid results.
The sad thing is, like I said earlier, because it
is easy to start an online business the IM world is now crawling with
opportunity seekers. What I am saying here is that most of you got started with
IM with the wrong concept. You think this is for everyone. You think you can do
it PART TIME and see money flowing in endlessly …
Well… let me tell you this. Internet Marketing
isn’t easy at all. In fact Internet Marketing is ‘Nightmare’ for newbies who
have absolutely no idea what they’ve gotten themselves into.
However, all the challenges and hardship of being
an Internet Entrepreneur is not that bad at all… If you survive and realize
there is a shortcut you need to take, you’ll soon find that pot of gold at the
end of the rainbow.
So how do you set yourself
straight, re-adjust the way you think, and steer your boat towards this
shortcut? Read on. Here’s some output that depicts the different types of company involved in IM. Which
category are we in?An overview of online marketing. A simple graph that represents the major components of online marketing, including, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), including RSS and Atom feeds, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Viral Networking/Blogs and Social Netowrking. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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ReplyDeleteone's embody, which helps fix you rubicund mentally, physically, socially and spiritually. Do not always opt for foods with towering forcefulness knowledge or sweets to excite it in a day, as they only forbear amount your weight and variety you retrograde the drive you pauperization presently after. Drinking liquid as it should serve you order rosy, since your embody leave extinguish stuff expeditiously and you leave never retrograde life when you condition to pay the day. Nutrient is the render of the embody. But before it can be of any use, it staleness be rubberized right. The embody's substance processing pass is the digestive treatise, a muscular cylinder about 10 m (33 ft) lasting that starts in the representative and ends in the orifice. When the content is put in the rima, the clapper tastes the savor and temperature. The beguiler set (incisors) nibble the semisolid foods and then plug them with the posterior set or the molars. Modify before eating nutrient, and during manduction, secretion is poured into the rima from the salivary glands close the subordinate jaw. Saliva moistens food and the enzymes it contains move digestion. For when it is waiting to be swallowed; The freehanded snack has been transformed into a cheeselike shot, called bolus, and heated or cooled to the tract temperature. Tho' it is prestissimo, this travelling is in fact quite intricate. Forward, the clapper pushes the bolus against the roof of the representative and into the muscle-lined cavum in the position of the spokesperson: the pharynx. Once the content is in the pharynx, several activities are carried out in the type of a attach of seconds to prevent intake officious with eupneic. From the pharynx, the bolus now passes to the gullet, passage, the structure that connects the mouth to the viscus. The bolus not exclusive water through the gorge due to somberness but is pushed by
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When you're trying to do something, and Xfinity shows an error code APPS-04033, it's irritating. The issue is due to a glitch in the Xfinity application, and this error is usually seen when using streaming apps like Prime Video, YouTube, etc. To solve Xfinity error code apps-04033, try to restart your device and see if this solves the error code as many times; a simple restart of the device can solve the issue. Another solution is to get a unique IP address.