This internship report based on the three months long internship program
that I had undergone in Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited from June 22, 2008 to October 09, 2008 as a requirement of
my BBA program under Development of Business Administration, Shahjalal University
of Science & Technology, Sylhet. As the apprentice of BBA program I have
tried my best to gather all necessary information and explanations from BPL to
prepare this report.
Namely this report is “Application
of Inventory Management System: A
study on Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd.”. This report is comprised of two
broad parts: first one is Organization part and second or last part is Project
part. The heart focus of this report is on the Project part and the
organization part represents the overall picture of this report.
The specific
objectives of this study or report are to know, to determine the overall
techniques or procedures of Inventory Management System of BPL and how to keep
its inventory more effectively then before. For this purpose I have prepared
this report in the light of the secondary data of BPL and its various
In this report,
I have shown the different diagrams which are related with the inventory
management system. Those diagrams or forms are represents the overall picture
of how record inventory manually and systematically. Also I have represented
the current and previous condition of inventory and a comparative explanation
of Square with graphs. As a result, that helps to understand to know about
organization conditions easily.
Finally, Beximco
Pharmaceuticals Ltd (BPL) is one of the leading edge pharmaceutical companies
and is a member of the BEXIMCO Group. The strategic strengths of Beximco Pharma
are its strong brand recognition, highly skilled work force and diversified
business mix. This report casts a flash on BPL’s Inventory Management System,
its Cycle and the related procedures with techniques.
Table of Contents
Page Number
Title Page
Letter of Certificate
Letter of Transmittal
Executive Summary
1.2 Rational of the study
1.3 Scope of the study
1.4 Objectives of the study
1.5 Methodology of the study t
1.6 Data Processing and Analysis
1.7 Limitation of the study
An overview on
2.1 History
2.3 Management of the company
2.4 Chronology
of Progress
2.5 Company Profile
2.6 Organizational Structure
2.7 Training & Development
2.8 R & D, Fine Chemicals
2.9 Quality ,Technology
2.10 Social Responsibilities
2.11 Responsibility & Happiness
2.12 Largest Pharmaceutical Exporter
Background of the study
Inventory Management
3.2 Objective of Inventory Management
3.3 Importance Inventory Management
3.4 Purpose of Inventory
3.5 Key Functions
3.6 Types of Inventory
3.7 Inventory Cycle
3.7 Sources of Raw Materials
3.9 The Process of Local purchase
3.10 Sample of purchase order
3.11 Sample of MRR form
3.12 Sample of Bill
3.13 Sample of AP Journal
3.14 Raw & packing Materials receiving
3.15 Import of Raw & packing Materials
3.16 Inventory Valuation
Analysis part
4.1 Inventory Turnover
4.2 Inventory to sales ratio
4.3 Comparison (Beximco
& Square)
4.4 Inventory Ratio
4.5 Financial
4.6 Financial Highlights- Pretax profit 46
4.7 Financial Highlights- net
4.8 Financial Highlights-
total assets
5.1 Concluding Remark
5.2 Findings
5.3 Recommendation
6.2 Annexure-A (Questionnaire)
6.3 Annexure-B (Terminology Used)
Research Methodology
Rational of the study:
report is equipped to make a study on the preparation and presentation of
Inventory Management of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited as a part of the
fulfillment of internship program required for the completion of the BBA program for the Department of Business
Administration, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet. The report was prepared under the supervision
of Mohammad Mizenur Rahamann,
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Shahjalal
University of Science & Technology, Sylhet and Mr. Kamal Uddin Ahmed, Deputy
Manager, Accounts and Finance Department of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
consists of usable but idle resources. The resources may be of any type-men,
materials, machines, etc. For example, if a company purchases a machine or
appoints an expert in anticipation of the requirement of their services in
future, these resources work as inventory. Generally, inventory of men or
machines is not carried and managements hire machines or consult experts
whenever required, as an economical alternative. When the resource involved is
material or goods, it is referred is the stock or simply as “Inventory”.
Inventory is the stock kept for future use to synchronize the inflow and
outflow of goods in a transaction. So this report is rationalized for providing
some knowledge about analysis and application of inventory system of Beximco Pharmaceuticals
Scope of the Study:
Management of Manufacturing public limited company is a broad area. Within the
time period of three months allotted for internship, it is virtually impossible
to cover all aspects of Inventory Management. So, the scope of my study is
limited only to the compliance of those as followed by Beximco Pharmaceutical
Ltd. In preparing the report, I review and analyze the information published in
the annual report for the year 2002-2007. Any change in Inventory policies in
respect of providing information after this period is beyond the scope of my
Objective of the study:
broad objective of the report is the comparative analysis of current year and
previous year inventory position of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. The specific
objectives those are discussed to help in explaining the broad objective are as
to determine the overall techniques or
procedures of Inventory Management System of BPL.
to analyze the inventory management and forecast
the policy.
to understand the flow of documents of each
inventory in BPL.
to explain develop the system of Inventory
Management of BPL.
to recommend some action plan to increase
the efficiency of BPL.

Methodology of the study:
report has been prepared on the basis of experience, which I was gathered
during the period of internship. For preparing this report, I have also got
information from various employees of Beximco Pharmaceutical Limited (Planning
Dept., Sales or Marketing Dept., Accounts Dept., Purchase Dept., etc), annual
reports, different books especially BBA, and website of the Beximco Pharmaceutical
The required information for this
study collected in various ways. Firstly, the primary information and data’s
are collected as-
Personal interview.
The observation
Literature study and
The secondary sources of the information and data’s are
collected as -
Annual Reports.
Internship Reports.
Data Processing and Analysis:
both primary and secondary data’s and information’s sources have been processed
and analyzed manually and qualitative approach has been used throughout the
Data has been analyzed by using computer program with the
helps of Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel.
Limitations of the Study:
There were some limitations of the study, but among those
some major limitations have been mentioned below-
The duration that is
for internship is not enough to learn about a big organization like Beximco
Pharmaceuticals Limited.
For non-availability of
secondary data and for time limitation it was not possible to work on the basis
of board data.
Due to restriction of
time, I could not get detailed information about every Departments of BPL.
In case of preparing
Inventory cycle, I faced lots of difficulties to collect the confidential data
from BPL.
Lack of confidential information about the
organization makes many mistake and targeted aim.
Chapter- 02
Overview on Organization
As a result of this philosophy, the Beximco Group is today Bangladesh 's
largest private sector industrial conglomerate. In the course of its growth, it
has created industrial and management capabilities that will serve the country
for generations to come. BEXIMCO's industrial businesses include jute,
textiles, basic chemicals and pharmaceuticals and marine foods. BEXIMCO's
non-industrial undertakings technology, trading and financial services. It is
the creation and expansion of businesses critical to Bangladesh 's development,
businesses, which are developed and run by Bangladeshis, businesses that
develop technologies and practices specific to the needs of the country, which
is the defining characteristic of the BEXIMCO story.
Finally, Beximco
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (BPL) is one of the leading edge pharmaceutical companies
and is a member of the BEXIMCO Group, the largest private sector industrial
conglomerate in Bangladesh .
The strategic strengths of Beximco Pharmaceuticals are its strong brand
recognition, highly skilled work force and diversified business mix.
Pharmaceuticals Ltd is the leading pharmaceutical manufacturer in the
country. It is a member of the Beximco Group. It all began in 1980 when BPL's
first product made under license of Bayer AG, Germany rolled out of a small
manufacturing plant in Tongi, Dhaka . Products
made under license of Upjohn Incorporated, USA followed. After its initial
years of struggle it broke ground with the launching of its own products in
1983. The journey continued and barrier after barrier were crossed, challenges
were faced and transformed BPL into what it is at present. Today, BPL holds a 10%
share in the domestic market after competing with such Multinational Giants as
Glaxo, Welcome, Novartis, Hoecsht, Rhone Poulenc Rorer, and Fisons etc.
BPL manufactures
and markets a high quality and cost-effective range of about 80 formulations
covering all major therapeutic groups. The commissioning of BPL's Basic
Chemicals Unit in 1990, established a very significant milestone in the history
of the country's chemical industry. It not only met 90% of the country's demand
for two vital raw materials, ampicillin and amoxycillin but also started
selling these to overseas markets, including South Korea and Malysia. The
recipient of three times `gold' national export trophy, Beximco Pharma is the
largest exporter of pharmaceuticals from Bangladesh , spreading its presence
in many developing and developed countries across the globe. Beximco Pharma is
the only company in Bangladesh
to receive this highest national accolade for export, for record three times.
Each of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd activities must
benefit and add value to the common wealth of their society. They firmly
believe that, in the final analysis are accountable to each of the constituents
with whom they interact, namely: their employees, customers, business
associates, fellow citizens and our shareholders.
Vision of organization:
BPL has
transformed its activities, culture, style and philosophy to meet the demands
of the new millennium. Business diversifications that are strategically
important for sustained growth are results of its vision of the future. A
multi-million dollar pharmaceutical formulation plant which will be fully up to
the USFDA standard is being built. On completion, this plant would be one of
the most modern plants in this region. Several new bulk drug facilities are
being developed to backward integrate their high volume products. BPL's
commitment to its customers is to always offer them the best both in product
quality and services.
Management of the
The management of BEXIMCO PHARMA is
simply exceptional in comparison to any other listed companies in this country. It has a blend of
professionalism and wisdom, which plays a key role in managing the champion
The Board of Directors:
A S F Rahman
Salman F Rahman
Iqbal Ahmed
Mohammad Abul Qasem
Osman Kaisar Chowdhury
Dr. Abdul Alim Khan
Abu Bakar Siddiqur Rahman
Dr. Farida Huq
Chowdhury Hafizur Rahman
Barrister Faheemul Huq
Ahsanul Karim
Md. Asad Ullah
Vice Chairman
dedicated Management committee and an Executive Committee make sure that
BEXIMCO PHARMA achieves its target with sheer professionalism. The committees
The Executive Committee:
Osman Kaisar Chowdhury
Chowdhury Hafizur Rahman
Nazmul Hassan
Ali Nawaz
Uddin Ahmed
Member of Board of Directors
Member of Board of Directors
Chief Financial Officer
Director, Commercial
The Management Committee:
Nazmul Hassan
Osman Kaisar Chowdhury
Ali Nawaz
Uddin Ahmed
Seraj Chowdhury
Tahir Siddique
R M Zahidur Rahman
Ahmed Choudhury
Member of Board & Executive Committee
Member of Executive Committee
Director, Marketing
Director, Works
Member of Executive Committee
Director, Sales
General Manager, Quality Assurance
General Manager, Production
Senior Manager, Accounts & Finance
Corporate Governance in Beximco
In BPL they
always nurture and support good corporate governance. Board of BPL places
greatest emphasis on maintaining the highest standard of corporate governance.
As trustee of all the stakeholders of the company, the board is fully aware of
its responsibilities and therefore, endeavors to safeguard the interest of all
concerned. The statement below describes how the principles of good governance
are applied in BPL -
Size, Composition and functioning of the Board:
board of directors is the highest level of authority in the organization
structure of BPL. The board is responsible for the overall direction and is
ultimately accountable to the shareholders for the activities, strategies and
performance of the company. Currently, the board of directors of BPL comprises
of 11 members with Mr. A S F Rahman as Chairman and Mr. Salman. F. Rahman as
Vice Chairman. The major concern of the board is to ensure that the overall
activities of the business are conducted responsibly and with focus on long –
term value creation. The board meets periodically to transact matters placed
before them that require board’s approval and/or direction. Board reviews the
overall activities of the business and where necessary, strategic guidelines
are given for onward implementation.
Executive Committee:
to the board, there is a four-member Executive Committee for closer monitoring
of business performance and to provide operational guidance. The scope of work
of the committee includes but not limited to, review of business performance,
approval of budget, evaluation of capital expenditure proposals and if
appropriate recommendation for approval to the board, appraisal of senior level
managers etc., The review, evaluation and recommendations of the Executive
Committee provide significant input to enable the board to take the
well-informed decisions.
Chronology of progress:
Registration of the company.
Started manufacturing and marketing of licensee
products of Bayer AG of
Launching of Beximco Pharma’s own brands.
Listing in the
Commissioning of Basic Chemical (APIs) unit.
Started export operation with Active Pharmaceutical
Ingredients (APIs).
First export market operation with finished
Achievement of
National Export Trophy (Gold) as the first pharmaceutical company of the
Introduction of Sustained Release Dosage form.
Introduction of Suppository Dosage form;
Commissioning of Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) plant;
Introduction of Metered Dose Nasal Spray.
pharmaceutical company of the country achieving 'National Export Trophy
(Gold)' for
UNICEF approval of Beximco Pharma as an enlisted
Agreement to manufacture Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI)
for GlaxoSmithKline.
Introduction of Small Volume Parenteral (SVP)
products; establishment of Analgesic-Antiinflammatory bulk drug plant.
Won the first prize of ICAB National Awards 2000
for 'Best Published Accounts and Reports' in Non-Financial Sector Category.
The first Bangladeshi company to supply
pharmaceuticals to
Received “National Export Trophy (Gold)” for
consecutive 2 years (1998-99, 1999-2000).
Won the Silver prize of ICAB National Awards 2003
for 'Best Published Accounts and Reports' in Non-Financial Sector Category.
Won a tender to supply Neoceptin R and Neofloxin to
Introduced Anti-HIV drugs for the first time in
Diversification into Anti-Cancer therapeutic class.
Signed contract with Novartis to manufacture their
liquid, cream, ointment and suppository products under “Toll Manufacturing”
Merger of Beximco Infusions Ltd. with BPL. Admission
to Alternative Investment Market of
Company Profile:
17 Dhanmondi R/A,Road No.2
Phones: 880-2-868220, 861891 Fax: 880-2-863470, 867647 |
19 Dhanmondi R/A,Road No.7
Phones: 880-2-869151(to 5) Fax: 880-2-863888, 863470 |
Cherag Ali
Market, Auspara, To Tongi I/A, Gazipur.
of establishment
Public Limited Company
of business
Manufacturing and Marketing of
Finished Pharmaceutical Formulations and Raw Materials
Capital in Taka
Taka 2000 million
Paid-up capital
Taka 1,040.97 million
of Shareholders
Around 50,000
exchange listing
Dhaka (DSE), Chittagong (CSE) and
Number of employees
Overseas Offices
Organizational Structure of BPL:
From the very beginning,
Beximco Pharma believes in one paradigm- 'a business is judged in the market
based on two basic components- its products and people. The company considers
the most valuable asset it has, are the people who work for the company for its
'successes' built to last. This people focused culture, indeed, makes Beximco
Pharma unique compared to others.
So it makes sense for the
management of the company to do everything possible to ensure that every member
of stuff enjoys the friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the company that
encourages the employees to be themselves. Here, the workplace has evolved to
be a very close community of co-workers where employees take pride in their
job, their team, and their company. They celebrate the successes of their peers
and cooperate with others throughout the organization. Here, communication is
open and accessible, hiring and rewarding are impartial and decisions are taken
together with the employees in a free and fair process. Here, everyone is
treated and cared for as an individual with personal life and respected of
their professional life by encouraging and supporting professional development.
Today, Beximco Pharma is not just a great workplace but is a great way of life.
It has made itself a great company to work with where the company and its
people 'grow together'
& Development:
One of the driving forces
of Beximco Pharma is its highly skilled human resources. BPL is continuously
striving to explore the core competencies of the employees to face the
challenges of the competitive environment. Continuous learning had been
enforced as a motivation tool to upgrade current level of knowledge and skills
of the employees. BPL also ensures an atmosphere that offers a better learning
ground for its employees and believes in upgrading its personnel through
continuous education program.
BPL, extended and enhanced
in-house & external training programs are being conducted round the year.
During 2003, BPL employees participated in various training programs that
include -
Company formation, regulatory
compliance and company meeting.
Industrial control and
Continuous improvement
and changing behavior.
10 Commandments of
Presentation skills.
General guidelines of
Sanitation, hygiene
and environment control.
Maintenance of equipments,
calibration and validation.
Fire prevention and
Industrial automation.
Coating technology.
Technology transfer.
Title of the training:
- Managerial style.
- Personal values questionnaire.
- Learning style inventory.
- Learning skills profile.
- Management workshop for women executive.
- Sales management.
- Training on GMP, Process validation, SOPs and documentation.
- Audio visual training on GMP for MDI plant.
- Total Quality Management (TQM).
- Integrated material management.
- Occupational health & safety.
- Course leader’s courses and etc.
- Personnel for the training programs.
Research & Development:
BPL’s R & D team is committed to the development
and introduction of novel drugs and drug delivery systems that make BPL a
front-runner in the nation’s pharmaceutical industry. The R & D team
comprises of highly qualified and trained technical personnel continuously
striving for product and process innovation and up gradation.
The sincere and relentless effort of the R & D
team has taken the company a step further through introduction of high tech
Anti-AIDS and Anti-Cancer products in 2003. A good number of APIs are
also in the development pipeline to ensure availability of raw materials in the
post-WTO era. With its continuous investment in R & D and cutting-edge
technology, BPL is moving forward to meet tomorrow’s healthcare needs.
BPL’s pioneering move to
diversify business into manufacture of Active Pharmaceuticals Ingredients
(APIs) in 1990 set a new milestone for the pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh .
Besides exporting to the countries of the Asian market such as Vietnam , Malaysia ,
Taiwan etc., BPL’s world class APIs were also exported to countries of European
market like Germany . APIs like Celecoxib,
Rofecoxib, Ciprofloxacin, Ranitidine, Amlodipine, Fluconazole, Cephalexin,
Diclofenac Sodium and Cetirizine, having good sales potentials have enriched
our portfolio in the recent years. A number of other high-value high-margin
products are in the R & D pipeline. With the mandatory patent protection in
developed and developing countries coming into effect after 2005, a capacity
build-up in the backward linkage bulk drug manufacturing facility would be an
added advantage for BPL in the post WTO era.
Success of a pharmaceutical
company depends on how effectively it establishes its brands in the market. The
excellent blending of world class manufacturing technology and innovative
marketing strategies made BPL successful in achieving brand equity for its
products. As a result the number one product by value and the number one
product by unit in Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Market and also the highest
selling drug in the cardiovascular class belong to BPL. Some products are-
· Neoceptin R –One
of the major revenue earning products BPL is Neoceptin R. It is also
the highest selling product by value and is the undisputed leader in Bangladesh
Pharmaceutical Market.
Napa –Napa is the highest selling product by unit. Napa becomes a household brand in the
mind of physicians as well as consumers of Bangladesh .
–Amdocal is one of the most prestigious and revenue earning
products of BPL. It is the highest selling product in the
cardiovascular market.
Quality is their relentless passion, ingrained in
their values and in all what they do. Beximco Pharma is committed to cater to
the growing health care needs of the nation. This commitment demands enormous
social responsibility of ensuring quality medicines of the highest purity,
proper stability, excellent safety and superb efficacy. At every stage of
production, stringent control mechanism involving raw material testing,
in-process quality control, packaging, labeling, finished product testing as
well as stability monitoring and documentation is maintained. Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) developed according to the cGMP guidelines of WHO are being
strictly followed in every step to ensure full compliance. BPL QC lab
is equipped with the most modern and sophisticated equipment like Atomic
Spectrophotometer (AAS), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
(NMR) Spectrophotometer, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Gas
Chromatography (GC), Infrared (IR) Spectrophotometer, Ultraviolet (UV)
Spectrophotometer, Homogenizer, In-vitro Bioavailabilty Tester, Lung Simulator,
Disintegrator, Dissolution Tester, & many other computer-aided quality
control instruments. Thus BPL succeeded in gaining trust and confidence of the
doctors and patients all over the country.
Technology carries the promise of tomorrow. The
benefits of technology belong to all of us -benefits that create new
opportunities and open doors to a better life. For example, the new inhaler
plant of BPL has been designed in a way to ensure highest-possible quality at
every stage of manufacturing and quality control. World-class facilities are
being employed in each and every step including mixing, filling, testing,
labelling, batch printing and other procedures to ensure manufacturing of world
class products.
Responsibility & Happiness:
Medicine is directly related to human life and
therefore, its manufacturers have enormous social responsibility of providing
and effective medication, demanding uncompromising efforts at all levels
of its activities. Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. - the leading health care
company in Bangladesh ,
has been making every effort to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the
medicines that it produces. Physicians and patients of the country rely on the
efficacy of the medicines of Beximco Pharma at the time of critical needs
demonstrating their confidence and trust on BPL products. BPL has a remarkable
mission statement, which is being seriously pursued in its thoughts and
actions. An increasing amount of contribution is ploughed back into social
causes demonstrating BPL’s commitment to the nation. As they continue to grow,
it should not only benefit BPL itself, but it should also positively contribute
to the nation and society where they live.
In BPL, they believe that they manufacture and sell
medicines to provide health, happiness and smile back in life of the fellow
citizens. They intend to help realize the ultimate aspiration of the nation for
a lifetime of good health. Ensuring a healthier tomorrow for the people is
their responsibility.
Pharmaceutical Exporter:
Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (BPL) is the largest
pharmaceutical exporter of Bangladesh .
BPL was the first pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh to receive ‘National
Export Trophy (Gold)’ in 1994-1995, which was the very first year for
introduction of such award by the Govt. of Bangladesh. Beximco Pharma has also
been awarded ‘National Export Trophy (Gold)’ recently for two consecutive years
1998-1999 and 1999-2000. It is the only company to be the record 3 times winner
of such award for its outstanding export performance. It is worth mentioning
that this award is the highest national recognition for excellence in export.
Beximco had always been highly proactive in exporting
pharmaceuticals from Bangladesh
and was the pioneer in almost all export activities of the country, such as -
Pioneer in entering the CIS countries.
First pharmaceutical company of Bangladesh to
enter Singapore-
one of the most stringent and regulated markets in Asia .
First & only Bangladeshi company to supply
pharmaceuticals to Raffles
Hospital – one of the
most prestigious hospitals of the region.
Only company to supply specialized &
high-tech products like Inhalers, Suppositories and Nasal Sprays to overseas
Pioneer in entering African market.
As an LDC, Bangladesh has been exempted from
pharmaceutical patent protection up to 2016, which has opened the door to
‘Enormous Export
Opportunities’ for Bangladesh pharmaceutical sector.
They strongly believe, Beximco Pharma with its highly sophisticated machinery
& equipment, human resources, process validation, documentation, expertise
in international marketing etc. is well poised to take maximum advantage of
this export opportunity.
Background of the study
Inventory Management:
An inventory
system provides the organizational structure and the operating policies for
maintaining and controlling goods to be stocked. The system is responsible for
ordering and receipt of goods: timing the order placement and keeping track of
what has been ordered, how much, and from whom.
management system has two main concerns. One relates to the level of customer
service, and at the right goods, in sufficient quantities, in the right place,
and at the right time. The other relates to the cost of ordering and carrying
inventories. As a hundred percent export oriented manufacturing company,
Beximco pharmaceuticals limited places a great importance in valuation and management
of inventories.
Inventory is the
stock of any item or resource used in an organization. An inventory system is
the set of policies and control that monitors levels of inventory and
determines what levels should be maintained, when stock should be replenished,
and how large orders should be.
As such, there
is a broad and deep volume of literature in the management of this asset in
various situations the interaction of this asset with other asset and similar
issue. A complete and comprehensive discussion of the issues in inventory
management is beyond the scope of this report. I limit my coverage to only the
most basic inventory.
Objective of Inventory
The objective of
inventory management is to achieve required levels of production while keeping
inventory costs within reasonable bounds. The basic objectives are as
Primary Objective:
primary objective of this report is to fulfill the requirement of BBA program.
This contains five credit hours for internship and to apply the theoretical
knowledge gained from the coursework of the BBA program in a specific field.
Secondary Objective:
- To understand the flow of documents of each inventory in BPL.
- To know about the procedures inventory Management System.
- To analyze the inventory management and forecast the future policy.
- To maintain the balance between opening and closing stock inventory.
- To observe the working environment in the corporate sector.
- To have practical exposure in corporate environment that helps a lot to understand the future courses.
Inventory Management
why Important:
all other assets, inventory represents a costly investment to the firm. In
order for this investment to be worthwhile there must be some advantage in
making it. Those reasons vary with the type of inventory carried. For purpose
of discussion I will use the accountant’s convention of dividing inventory into
three types:-
Raw Material Inventory:
Having an available stock of raw materials
inventory make production schedule
To keep raw materials inventory is to avoid price changes.
Keep extra raw materials inventory to hedge against supply shortages.
Keep work-in-process inventory beyond minimum
level to Buffer production.
Finished goods
Keep finished goods inventory to provide immediate service.
Keep finished goods inventory to Stabilize production.
Purposes of Inventory:
The firms keep a
supply of inventory for the following reasons are:
To maintain independence of operations.
To meet variation in product demand.
To allow flexibility in production scheduling.
To provide a safeguard for variation in raw
material delivery time.
To take advantage of economic purchase-order
Key Functions:
The key
functions of the Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited or BPL inventory management
systems are like-
To ensure material is available.
Receipts, custody, and issue of materials.
To recording the record of all stock movements.
Co-ordinate with management, maintenance,
production, marketing & finance departments and other departments in the
company for meeting their requirements for materials and spares.
Assist in devising management reports.
There are
various types of inventory. Some of them are given below, Such as: -
Finished Goods.
Work in Process.
Packing Materials.
Laboratory & Promotional Materials.
Physician Sample.
Raw & Packing Materials in Transit.
Stock of Stationery.
Spares & accessories.
Raw Materials:
The raw-materials inventory contains items that are purchased by the firm
from others and are converted into finished goods through the manufacturing
(Production) process. They are important input of the final product.
The Work-in-Process inventory consists of items currently being used in
the production process. They are normally partially or semi-finished goods that
are at various stages of production of multi-stage production process.
Finished Goods:
Finished goods represent final or completed products, which are available
for sale. The inventory of such goods consists of items that have been produced
but are yet to be sold.
Packing Materials:
The packing materials inventory contains of material packing related
goods, which things are used for the purpose of packing materials. Mainly packing
materials used for the purpose of cover the final products or to give it an
attractive look.
Laboratory & Promotional Materials:
Laboratory and promotional material refers that which goods or materials
are used for the purpose of laboratory and promotional activities. Usually this
type of material used inside of the organization.
Physician Sample:
This type of product or materials generally made or
collects for the physicians. Because new products always need to physician
approved, for that reasons this type of materials are required.
![]() |
Figure: Inventory Cycle |
Sources of Raw & Packing Materials:
Sources of Raw
and Packing Materials are classified into two categories:-
Local Purchase.
Import Purchase.
Local Purchase:
any specific material need for production then purchase department purchase the
material from locally. For local purchase, department seek for appropriate
seller. In local purchase few condition are considered such as-
Quality of the Material.
Rate of the Material.
Lead time.
Previous record of the supplier and etc
The Processes of Local Purchase
The processes or procedures of the
local purchase are given below, like-
Processing Purchase Order.
Receiving Material, Goods and Services.
Factory sends MRR (Material Receiving Report).
Supplier Bill Submit.
Voucher Entry.
and Packing materials from local purchase processes are discuss below and also
shows the data or information recording diagrams of different processes-
Processing Purchase Order:
procedure begins with need recognition. The respective department identifies
its need, gets approval of the
departmental head and with the approval an authorized person sends purchase
requisition to purchase department to initiate purchase. In case of property,
plant and equipment acquisition, before sending purchase requisition, a budget
has to be prepared by the user department. If the departmental head or higher
authorities, whichever is required, approve the proposed budget a purchase
requisition is sent to purchase department, and in case of raw or packing
materials, the planning department determines the quantity and timing of raw
materials. This department informs the purchase department when to buy
purchase department got the requisition, it calls for quotation or tender.
After receiving the quotation or tender, supplier has been selected. The
supplier may be local or international. If the terms and conditions are in
favor of both BPL and the selected supplier, an order for the purchase is than
issued by the purchase department. In case of raw or packing material, the
purchase order is issued by the factory. A purchase register is maintained by
the purchase department in which they maintain all the information relating to
a consignment.
Figure 01: Sample of Purchase Order or PTG form:
the goods and services are received by the user department who has issued the
purchase requisition or in some cases by the authorized department. Materials
are received by Quality Assurance Department (QAD) in the factory. After
receiving materials, goods and services an MRR is issued for materials and
other than material a GRR is issued by receiving department to purchase
department. In the mean time the invoice or bill is received by the purchase
using the products by user department that is at the time of delivery, it has
been inspected by the inspection or QAD, by user department or by authorized
department. QAD examined the materials on a sample testing basis and provide a
certificate. Generally-
QAD inspects standardized items like raw
material, packing material etc.
User department inspects non standardized items
like services, stationeries etc.
Inspection department inspects machineries,
plants etc.
at BPL there are some authorized departments for inspection. For example,
computer or IT related products are inspected by IT department, furniture are
by HR department. If the received goods, materials and services are not
according to purchase requisition BPL may-
Refuse the order.
Recorder the item.
Received on condition.
Factory sends MRR (Material Receiving Report:
receiving material factory send MRR to accounts department for reconciliation.
In this MRR amount of quantity, receiving date, amount to use quality testing
are mention. Respective department entry this MRR in excel sheet for
Figure 02: Sample of MRR Form:
Beximco Chemical Division
Tongi Industrial
Area, Gazipur.
MRR no………………...
Material Receiving Report
Name of the material: -
Lot/Batch no…………….
Manufacturer/Supplier: -
P.O. No. PTG-
Invoice no.
L/C no.
Consignment no.
no. of container
before QC test
after QC test
Received By -
Provisional Final Date Authorized
Date Entry
- Entry-
Supplier Bill Submit:
In this mean time of sending MRR supplier submit their
bills in to purchase department. They approver the figure and send this bill to
accounts department. Then accounts department check the approve amount, rate
from purchase order, amount from MRR. If any discrepancy identify at this stage
then it’s reported to purchase department.
Entry -
checking purchase order and MRR, respective person entry this information in to
journal vouchers. Where supplier name, description of product, approve amount
are mentioned. Every journal voucher stapling with photocopy of bill and
original bill. Then these journal vouchers approve with proper authority and
main bill send for payment.
Figure 02: Sample of AP Journal Voucher:
There have some
necessary documents that is mandatory for
payments and its supply correctly by supplier-
Original Bill
Photocopy of bill (Copy not negotiable)
Vat Challan
Raw & Packing Materials Receiving Process
Import Purchase of Raw & Packing Materials:
Another source of raw and packing material is importing.
For import any raw and packing respective department must open a letter of
credit at bank. It is ensure the liquidity of foreign supplier. Purchase
department maintain a PC file against a Letter of Credit. It contains all
necessary documents among the raw/packing material and shipment. Contains of PC
file described as follows: - (Contents of a PC (Pharmaceutical Consignment) File:
Insurance Company:
Purchase department opens Letter of Credit or LC as a
starting of raw and packing material import. As a part of this process,
purchase department also makes insurance in any insurance company. The
insurance company sends insurance bill to purchase department and after
approval purchase department sends it to accounts section. From the bill an
excel sheet is prepared by taking the relevant figures. Specimen of an excel
sheet is produced below:
Tk. Exclusive
80% of VAT
L/C in Transit
PC Number
For every LC, a PC file is made containing all the relevant
documents relating to that LC. A distinct number is assigned for each PC file
to distinguish it front others. An important point to be remembered is that
total amount payable to the insurance company is not included in the cost of
raw material. To determine the cost of raw material imported, only 20% of VAT
is included as per VAT act and the company gets rebate of VAT equal to 80% of
VAT. The following journal entry for recording goods in transit is given in
L/C in Transit
VAT Rebate
Accounts Payable
When goods are received by factory and MRR is received by
account section. The amount debited to LC in transit is transferred to cost of
inventory. The journal entry given is -
L/C Transit
C & F Bills:
bill consists of various type of bills or expenses. Some of those expenses are
Miscellaneous Expense
Freight Forward Charge
Bank Charge
Jetty Examination
Agency Commission
Shed Bills:
every PC file shed bill is included. Shed bill authority may be changed depend
on the way of route for materials (Land, Air, Sea) so shed bill will charge the
respective authority.
shed bill there have three types of charged may be imposed-
VAT (Value Added Tax)
Entry Fee
Invoice of Supplier:
every PC file there have few number of invoice is included. In this invoice,
the respective company mentions there product details, quantity, rate. This
information is very important for every step of production. Because when we
measure a specific product then we easily find the rate, quantity, and product specification.
Packing List:
every PC file packing list is included. In the packing list respective company
mention there forwarded packing list for materials receiving company. Then
company can sure about the delivery packing list.
Country of Origin:
ensures the country of origin to the respective buyer issuing certificate for
origin. Supplier send to buyer and its also enclosed with PC file.
Weight and Measurement List:
copy of weight and measurement list enclosed with every PC file. It ensure
about weight and measurement for buyer concern. Any claim against weight &
measurement is valid with the reference of weight and measurement list.
Certificate of Analysis:
copy certificate of analysis is enclosed with the PC file. It is guarantee that
the specific raw or packing material is good in condition
Bill of Entry:
Bill of entry is a document that
supply by custom authority. In every PC files there have a bill of entry. The
following figure is mention in bill of entry.
Calculation of Duty & Taxes:
Assessable Value:
Value of Raw
(Invoice Value
at US$ Exchange Rate)
Add: Insurance
@ 1% + Landed Cost @ 1%
Assessable Value (AV)
Custom Duty
Value (AV)
Duty (SD)
+ CD
Value Added
Tax (VAT)
+ CD + SD
Advance Income
Tax (AIT)
Value (AV)
Total Item Tax
Assessment Notice:
of Tax
Total Item Tax (From Bill of
Document Processing Fee (DF)
VAT on C & F Commission
Income Tax on C & F
Total Global Tax
global tax paid by C & F agent in cash to custom authority to release the
goods and includes the amount thus paid in C & F bill.
C & F Bill:
After releasing the goods from custom, C & F agent delivers the goods
to factory and sends a bill to accounts section. This contains the following
information are:
Custom Duty & Taxes.
Super Urgent Delivery Express.
Wharf-rent & Removal.
Labor Wages for Loading and Unloading.
Miscellaneous Expense.
Agent Commission.
Final Cost Sheet of L/C:
After inputting all information in to the software then a
final cost sheet is prepared for costing like-
Particulars / Descriptions
L/C Margin
Opening Charge
Amount Retired
Duty & Taxes
C&F Commission
Insurance Premium
Misc. Expense
Total Cost of Raw
Inventory Valuations:
are valued at lower of cost and net realizable value in accordance with IAS 2
“Inventories”. The net realizable value of inventories is based on the
estimated selling price less any further costs expected to be incurred to make
the sale.
The goals of inventory valuations are
much. Some of them are given below, like-
Cost of goods sold (COGS) is very important
factor in pricing. Also for accounting purpose in the profit and loss account
COGS is used to find out the gross profit. So inventory is evaluated to
calculate the COGS.
Inventory is an item of current asset. So to
find out the current asset position inventory is important.
To compare cost variance between time periods
inventory evaluation gets importance.
Valuation of Raw
Materials in the Store:
Cost included for the
local raw materials purchased are:-
Procurement Cost.
Transportation Cost
Bank Charge
included for the Imported raw materials are:-
Procurement Cost
Bank Charge for Opening L/C
Clearing from the Port and
· Transportation Cost.